Actions REALized Tour: Roll For Rob
The REAL van reached the end of the line on the Actions REALized Tour at the 5th Annual Roll For Rob, to support East Coast skate community pillar Rob Pontes through his fight with ALS. This year the crews at Theory and Civil skateshops hosted the event at Skaters Edge Indoor Park. The support for Rob Pontes and his family was amazing to see and everyone had a good time. We love you, Rob!
Legends of the industry: Donny Barley, Jim Thiebaud and Dan Rogers
Brando and his new whip
New England legends, Brandon Westgate and Anthony Shetler
The Collins brothers
Bam and fam
The Pontes family came out to feel the love
Cons connection, Ryan Townley and Rob Collins
Brando getting it started!
Young bucks bustin’!
Big Rig revving up the bowl
Little George busting an ’80s inspired backside air
Grabs Only—K-Walks with the tré flip tail snag to start it off
J-Brock servin’ up the roast beef
Benihana, one of our favorite places to eat
Antoine Asselin walking on air
Volcom rep with Guido from Civil
NHS rep and Armin from Orchard
The jump ramp got pulled out to the street and the kids started hucking
About to Sonny Bono!
Small Paul goes big
Townley, overhead grasser
This kid was ripping! Maybe it was the board?
Trust blast
Jump-ramp Jesus
The need for speed
Rob Collins was loving it
Cake time for the birthday boy, Tanner Van Vark
Blow out the candles and wish for a cake in the face
A swing and a miss from J-Brock!
Backfired with solo high-low and an earful of frosting
You know Jawston ain’t going down like that!
The taste of success
The Ellingtons were in attendance
Longest powerslide contest starting out with road rash
Full yard sale!
Slam dance
Full speed ahead!
Twoine slidin’ into your girls DMs like…
Objects in mirror may slam harder than you
Seagull flying low
Crash landing
Horsepowerslide winner
Longest ollie?
Seagull back in flight
REAL Skateboards key holders: Jim Thiebaud, Christian Alexander and Nate Alton
The crew signing a Roll For Rob board for Rob Pontes
The REAL crew with Dan from Theory
The love and support shown by everyone for Rob Pontes and his family every year is beyond words. We love you, Rob. Roll Forever!

Justin Brock's "Naptime" Interview
Justin Brock sits down to talk about the Naptime video, Davis's filming career and stabbing stuffed whales for the release of the new Real's Summer ’16 catalog. -
Bru-Ray: ATL Part 2
The ripping headed to Channon’s ramp for a fat roast and heavy session. Thanks for the good times, Georgia. -
Yoder's "Creepin in the Cut" Video
Homie videos always pack a unique punch with a mix of never-seen spots, hometown heroes, and all the weirdness that happens “out there.” Here’s one featuring Justin Brock, Dee Ostrander, Cyril Jackson, and many more. -
"The Most Push-Up Dudes" Video
The spots from Denver to OKC never stood a chance. Solid squad, good vibes, and a special surprise for K-Walks. Cheers to a ripping edit that features one hell of a last trick. -
Hall Of Meat: Justin Brock
Justin had some amazing clips in Real’s "Through and Through” but they all had to be earned.