It's easy to see why Thrasher's newest trending baby, the Am Scramble, is one of the most anticipated trips of the year. The formula? Grab the best up-and-coming ams from across the board, put 'em in a van, and see what happens. Sure, most of them don’t know each other all too well prior to the trip, but it definitely didn’t stop them from tearing up every piece of Floridian terrain that was put in front of them.
Thrasher once again opened up the doors of Bradford's studio in Long Beach to host the premiere for the 2019 Am Scramble, with free drinks as always and a photo show from Burndog. For the third year in a row, the Scramble has yet to disappoint.
Words and photos by Alex Papke 
Firsts things first

Five bucks goes a long way. Thanks again for everything you did for skateboarding, Kurt

It’s not a premiere at Bradford's without a photo show

Featuring Squish’s crazy cover for the March issue with our favorite Brazilian ginger getting the door

Future’s looking bright for these Scramblers

Don’t forget to grab all the
Thrasher merch your little heart desires

Our favorite door guy and event planner, Dylan Christopher

First ones in the building. Where’s Chief?

Quickly followed by Tim Tim and Franky Villani. Frank doesn’t like getting his picture taken at these things

But he comes out of his shell once there’s a dog

Or when he has to get a wristband. Sorry, Franky!

Some prefer the mag, some want to stay glued to their phones. Pick your poison

Best dad and TM combo in the game, Mustafa Wright and Nate Alton

Half the brains behind editing this one. Thanks again, Rye!

Inside we got all Clawed up. Ryan Lee joined by Ronnie Kessner

Griffin tends to stress out a little bit with these premieres

Jack Olson with Tyson Bowerbank, watching skate videos at a skate premiere. Go figure

I guess there’s still a little bad blood with the Zero squad ever since Franky left

A broken finger isn’t gonna stop
Thrasher's own Gary Rogers from coming down for this thing

Just when we thought the parking lot scene was getting stale, a van full of Scramblers pulled into the building

Straight to the smoking section to get rid of those pre-premiere jitters

Marello and Rick, out for the night to support Breezy and Griff

Rail chompers Clint Beswick and Patrick Praman. Who knows, might see these two in a Scramble sooner than later

Oh shit, what up, Ish?

Joined by the good homie Thomas Dritsas

The Willard Squad. Very excited to see what Myles put down for this one, as always

It’s a red puffer kind of night for Big Kev and Neil Chester

Two dudes that go way back, Dalton Dern and Blake Carpenter. It’s all about that Florida love, baby

Sorry, Niels, not tonight

The crowd slowly moved from the smoking section to inside

Selfies for days with Clive Dixon and Trevar Cushing

Mike Wine, the designated Primitive rep, came out to see Gio shine in all of his tech glory

Not sure if Dane is reminding himself with the note on his hand to watch Mason Silva's new Huf part, but you can be damn sure he definitely loves Jack O’Grady

Add Malto to the mix and it’s a done deal!

Reminiscing on the two weeks spent in Sinclair’s van for this one. Oh, the good times

Kevin from Look Back Library doing what he does best. Never a dull night when you get Geoff to sign a classic cover

Two out of the three Dern brothers, definitely a Florida staple. Where’s Destin?

The players behind the scenes. Rye Beres, Matt Bublitz and MB are a media team that won’t let you down!

All of a sudden, hurricane Ryan came through and managed to spill a drink all over Rye’s face. How that’s possible? No idea

“Lemme wipe that off for ya”

He still tight though

Masterlensmen Tom Mull and Jon Miner. Can we all agree Miner has the most badass facial hair in the game right now?

Really big rings for Reese Salken

Let’s make this straight, it’s not a party unless you got Al Krohn and Dakota Mullins firing it up in the parking lot

Not to mention Amelia and Ginger

He left skateboarding to really focus on nature. Hope it all pans out, Cole

Back inside, we have the biggest speech of the night!

As all the onlookers try and get the best seat in the house

So far, so good

And by the looks of those hands, everyone agrees

Once those lights come on, you know what time it is

Of course Mia had to get this one of Gage. She’s his biggest fan!

Jack came up on this one of fellow Pyramid Countryman Aaron Goure. Speaking of these two, did anyone else see the reality TV show Aaron made on the last PC trip? Check out
Crumple + Flow on YouTube to see some of your favorite skaters duke it out on the mic. You’ll thank me later

That’s a wrap! John Dilo and Ish Cepeda did not let Florida down

Gio was seeing doubles of himself all night

Dalton came up on a rad one of Jesse Lindloff while Austin Leleu got a thumb tack in his beverage

Pedro’s finest was happy as ever with his new prints of Aaron and Breezy

See, it wasn’t that bad, Griff! Take a chill pill next time, dude

No shame in getting that cover signed by the man of the night

Mustafa was persistent for me to get a flick of him with his girls. Can’t let him down on that one

Just when you thought we forgot about grabbing the cover…

Since Jack can’t fit this one on the flight back to Oz, Franky’s gonna keep it warm back here in the States

Gotta get at least one photo of the big dog with his prize. Congrats again on your first cover with the mag, Jack! I know there will be more to come. Thank you to everyone who came out to Scramble!
To get all your gnarly needs covered, make sure to click your way over to the 2020 Am Scramble w
hen it goes up on the site.