Andalé's "Wheelie Dope" Photos
This past Saturday Andalé Bearings held the finals for their “Wheelie Dope” contest series at the Santa Monica Courthouse. A thousand bucks was on the line for the best trick across the stage which was more than enough incentive to get all the locals out. –Ben Karpinski
Showed up early to see judge Aaron Snyder 180 fakie manualing across the box
Chris Roberts, Kelly Hart and Daniel Castillo
Who ordered the pizza?
Dompierre vs. Hart
Courthouse OG Malcolm Watson and Daniel Espinoza
Gary put down the mic then put down a nose manual
Carlos Iqui and Dane Vaughn
TJ Rogers warming up on the ledges
Kelly Hart, pop shove nose manual
Everyone filmed an angle
Victor Brooks getting ready to flip out
Carlos Iqui, switch flip manual
Shmatty, switch pop shove nose manual
Later in the finals, John Dilorenzo goes up stream with a nose manual (Nollie half-Cab flip out not shown)
You know Iqui made the finals. Look at that determination
Damn right he flipped out… Nollied in too
Then it was time to announce the winner
Gary called up the finalists
In the end the top three were Carlos Iqui, John Dilorenzo and Victor Brooks
Congrats, Carlos!
This Old Ledge: USC Blocks
Once upon a time these ledges on the edge of USC’s campus were among the most famous, heavily sessioned blocks in the world. Though skate-stopped, their story lives on in a new form. Let Ted explain... -
FP Footwear’s “Sunset Tour” Video
A bowling ball works great for impact testing, but nothing compares to some real-life R-N-D in the streets. Jaws, Neen, Decenzo and Pelka pave the way for newcomer Julian Agliardi in this portrait of Puerto Rican paradise. -
Ryan Sheckler's Red Bull Double-Feature Photos
Ryan Sheckler packed a theater in DTLA to premiere his two new Red Bull projects. Scroll through and decide for yourself who was the night's best dressed. -
"You Good?" Premiere Photos
All the good homies came out to watch Foy, Zion and Midler go absolutely buck in Red Bull’s new vid: You Good? Free vodka and Red Bulls all night? Damn right there was a crowd! -
FP Down Undah
FP Insoles took Schmatty, Brezinski, Paul Hart, Espinosa and Romar down to Oz and came back with some clips.