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"Be Free" Premiere Photos

Ishod Wair and Kyle Walker started off the new decade with a doubles part called BE FREEA REAL skateboards video, and you’re in for a real treat when you see what they put together for this one. The DLXSF crew came down to Bradford’s Studio in Long Beach on Saturday night for the premiere where a heavy posse was already congregated. Tommy Guerrero, Ray Barbee and John Cardiel (aka DJ Juan Love) provided the tunes and there was a photo show featuring works by Gabe Morford and Alex Papke, documenting the trips in the video. To top it off, Pizzanista came through with the pie slices. It got so packed, not everybody got in and the cops tried to shut it down. That’s when you know it’s a good time! —Morgan Rindengan



All hail the Cardiel rail

BEFREE 2 Hope you got there early


Time to check out the show before the madness ensues

BEFREE 4 The REAL van, checking in

BEFREE 5 Photos from the show in newspaper format—print’s not dead

BEFREE 6 Alex Papke laid all these out. That’s not all he could lay!

BEFREE 7 Tommy G and Cardiel, sound checking

BEFREE 8 As soon as the pizza arrived, it was gone. Magic, man… 

BEFREE 9Saw it in the mag

BEFREE 10 There’s Ishod!

BEFREE 11 Grant Fiero rockin’ the vote

BEFREE 13 Like a pack of sardines, it was

BEFREE 14 DLXSF’s Christian Alexander and you already know that guy on the right

BEFREE 15 Papke, in front of the lens this time. Where’s Morf?

BEFREE 16 Registrars registering. Vote ‘em out

BEFREE 17 Zion’s dad can dance! 

BEFREE 18 DJ Juan Love jamming the 45s

BEFREE 19 Fans of all ages—Cardiel is timeless

BEFREE 20 Thank you, skateboarding

BEFREE 21 Axel Cruysberghs, straight from In-N-Out.

BEFREE 22 It’s time to press play

BEFREE 23 And the crowd goes wild!

BEFREE 24 Tear down was easy. It was a group effort—free photos helps

BEFREE 25 These guys came up on some

BEFREE 26 Bombarded with photo ops at this point. Sup, Domo?

BEFREE 27 One of those photos where multiple cameras are pointed in the same direction at once. Over here, K-Walks and Jim

BEFREE 28 DLXSF’s Nate Alton. Is that beer spray?

BEFREE 29 Now for the live music

BEFREE 30 Ray Barbee and Tommy Guerrero jamming with a special guest—a pleasure for the ears

BEFREE 31 Busenitz and Burnett

BEFREE 32 Erica Yary and Breana Geering

BEFREE 33 Enjoying the music

BEFREE 34 Papke and his favorite photographer: Joey Shigeo

BEFREE 35 If you’re ever in Long Beach, these guys will show you a good time

BEFREE 36 The Cardiel rail is portable! Time to pack it up and get it back to SF

BEFREE 37 Gray says, “Relax”

BEFREE 38 Fabulous Baker vampire—Steve Hernandez and his lady

BEFREE 39 Congrats, guys—2020 is off to a hell of a start! Watch BE FREE. and see why everything is coming up roses for these two