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Burnout: Burly Weekend

The Zero Army converged at an O.C. motorcycle shop for the premiere of Brandon Burleigh’s new video and a special surprise. You know the drill.

burnout burly weekend 01Chief in the home office with a favorite mag from the stacks. He lives right by me, turns out

burnout burly weekend 02Decisions, decisions …

burnout burly weekend 03Teha Dalfio, who was being a little standoffish because we spelled her name wrong in the Skaters Are Dogs article. Sorry, sweetheart

burnout burly weekend 04Let’s get that group shot! Who’s missing?

burnout burly weekend 05Forrest! Forrest!

burnout burly weekend 06Nah

burnout burly weekend 07Tight crew!

burnout burly weekend 08Ran into this fly posse in the parking lot. Where are we anyway?

burnout burly weekend 09Oh shit!

burnout burly weekend 10Ok, this is the right place. Phew.

burnout burly weekend 11A flood of familiar faces

burnout burly weekend 12Chief gets some Forrest time

burnout burly weekend 13And then he splits again!

burnout burly weekend 14Jamie is nothing if not a coordinator

burnout burly weekend 15The Kurt Hodge fam. Congrats, y’all!

burnout burly weekend 16Uhm, is this pizza for everyone?

burnout burly weekend 17For days!

burnout burly weekend 18Think Adam’s gonna turn anyone down?

burnout burly weekend 19Alumni, everywhere …

burnout burly weekend 20The Tony Locos, always fine

burnout burly weekend 21What I do is I go shoot this photo of Matt Costa every Friday night. Kinda my thing

burnout burly weekend 22A family affair

burnout burly weekend 23Do you guys like, uhm, bands?

burnout burly weekend 24Pack it in!

burnout burly weekend 25And there they are: stars of the night Brandon Burleigh and filmmaker Stone Hendrikx!

burnout burly weekend 26A little pep talk from the boss never hurts

burnout burly weekend 27And it’s date night at the premiere!

burnout burly weekend 28Oh yeah!

burnout burly weekend 29Nothing says I love you like a Zero video, am I right?

burnout burly weekend 30And here we go. These things always look better on the big sheet.

burnout burly weekend 31‘How’d ya like that??!’

burnout burly weekend 32Crowd = bananas

burnout burly weekend 33A few well-chosen words

burnout burly weekend 34And then BB took the stage

burnout burly weekend 35Just a couple American Zeros

burnout burly weekend 36Bring the folks up

burnout burly weekend 37Bring ‘em all up!

burnout burly weekend 38Ah shit ….

burnout burly weekend 39We know how this goes

burnout burly weekend 40A crush of seven plies and all that love

burnout burly weekend 41Swimming in it

burnout burly weekend 42Never not awesome

burnout burly weekend 43And that’s a wrap! Congrats, Brandon! You did it!

burnout burly weekend 44Needless to say, sales were brisk

burnout burly weekend 45These guys got one!

burnout burly weekend 46Yep, future looks bright –––Zero style!