Burnout: Girl in the Tree
The KC stop of the Vans Scorchin' Summer tour starts with a man down and ends with a lady in a tree.
This isn't the man down. This is just Tyson easing into the day
This thing
Looking good until it looked very, very bad
G'damn it!
The ride to the ER
Tough as nails, young Rowan
He'll be back
Later, the tropical paradise of the KC park
Always a heavy scene
Geoff grabs some sky time, straight off
SOTY flip
Berle takes it upstream, as is his bold style!
Tyson on bar
Frontside 'canes to fakie and forwards
Yung Pacheco with the impossible lip
Fuck yo can!
J Lay lofty – your GD right he's still got it!
KFBSLSSI. Trust me
Backside 180 nosegrind to forward from the matt B school of maneuvers
Berle's on a switch crooks kick lately
There's a nose grab in there somewhere
Wu Keeper, also keeping the BSNBS looking good
Half cab Smith to fakie
Euro hopping into a the fakie nosegrind
Hella shove
Chima with the KFFSBS. First T!
And then the closer …
Yep, on command. Hell of a trick, Berle!
Time to comb the audience. Whattup, Y'all!
This youngster eschewed medical attention for his broken ankle to see the rest of the demo. Hard choices
Modelo babes, everywhere
Someday I'll make it to Compton
Is that Sherilyn Fenn?
Time to get some
No waiting in the bowl
I was there
Bring your amulets, if you got some
Whattup fellow shutter bug?!
But these guys …
These guys are my kind of guys!
Best Trick line up
Not that they're all serious
Chug Life
Thanks for coming!
Heavy metal
And again
These badasses
'Quiet, I'm watching my show'
Happy Ryan Lovell Day!
Another glimpse of paradise
DIY it yourself, Loyal Pawn style
Bring your newborn, if you got one
Does that say 'Karate Explosion?'
Straight to the 'Gram. And by Gram I mean, Gramma
We'll always have the Summer of '17
Take a picture, it'll last longer
Memory Card Full
Schnauzers, everywhere
Along with Thrasher babes. Wow!
Yep, a good time was had by all. Thanks for rolling out everybody!
But then the real adventure begins …
K Walks threw a new pair of shoes high into a dead tree. The young man who initially climbed in pursuit couldn't reach them giving this girl an idea of her own
She quickly scaled the tree, passing him despite wearing a dress and no shoes. 'These are mine, bitch!' she said as she scuttled over his head
But then it would seem they were both stuck.
While easing down the bare trunk she suddenly slipped, dropping four feet to a lower nook
Which is when the Vans team sprang into action!
Ultimately aiding in her rescue
Scraped and bruised, the size 10 KWalks were hers!
It was way more exciting in person. Another Scorchin Summer miracle. So glad it was a happy ending. Whew!

Burnout: Best Year Ever-2009
Here's a wrap up of 2009 from Burnout. -
Burnout: Awash
Here's the final chapter on Burnout's trip to Houston with the Habitat crew. Make sure to watch the video at the end—tight. -
Burnout: Spine Time
Burnout has a little spine time with the 2008 SOTY on the second-to-last day of his reign. -
Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.