Burnout: Grosso's Shoe-B-Que
Grosso's Shoe-B-Que
Posted:September 16th, 2008
It’s a testament to the fickle hand of the skate biz that Jeff Grosso recently earned his first pro shoe from Vans - at the tender young age of 40. Totally fantastic.
Artwork by Eric Magnussen.
Donaldson was nice enough to lend his enclave for this gala event.
Killer mini.
Frontside grind party. First up: Big Jerry
Riki Barnes
and the man of the hour himself!
Nash mixes it up with a tail slide
Event organizer, Emag
Mountain and Eric Nash
Lance tries to figure out exactly when I started to ruin the magazine
the Big Jerrys
Gagne means ‘to win’ in French
Kill Grosso tat
as well as a bonus
Even the kids got ‘em
Congrats, Jeff. You’re the best.
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