Burnout: West Enders
It’s that time of the year – video surprises around every corner! Louie Lopez dropped a heck of a bombshell and Volcom and Thrasher offered a sneak peek of his latest masterwork at the Good Bar in Long Beach last night, (which magically aligned on his 23rd birthday.) Cheers, Big Lou!
What are they watching in there?
Oh yeah, of course.
Lil’ birthday dinner before the video. Cherie and Lannie, keeping it mellow
Nope. Not a bad pour at all, Cherie. A lot of people actually prefer half foam
Cheers Double L!
Better add some chairs
A hug from Hassan; worth more than any gift money can buy
Foreshadowing …
And again
Another suspect pour, this time for SOTY ’00!
The blame game
Yet it’s always the SOTY who suffers
Proper couples photo out front. Nice!
Lining up
Time to kill that thing
Goldie and Jake, tight bros from way back
How dads get out their aggression
Beats the stuff they used to do!
Familiar faces … Salk!
The Mason Silvas!
Not the Alex Papkes!
Flipsters, new and old!
Steve Stratton lays in the cuts while Justin Reynolds gets flash blasted!
When’s it starting?
Bring a beret … if you got one
The press, having a field day
Nah, it’s just Thrasher Dan™
Keep in mind, this is before the video even started …
Someone’s gonna sleep good tonight
Group photo from on top of the table!
Find Lance Mountain in this shot and win some gently-used Furys
Oiseau double!
Never go Full Papke
Too late!
The slow pan …
Man, amazing turnout. I love these kinds of photos
This was pretty much everybody, except whoever was hogging the bathroom all night
Masterlensmen L. Rhoades, R.Lee and Ant. They put in some major miles on this thing
Congrats, Scorceses!
Tin, bringing some much-needed sophistication to this thing
Should we start?
Rapt attention
Mesmerizing, really
The 4 Steps of Louie Lopez Ender Viewing. Step 1: Anticipation
Step 2: Denial
Step 3: Acceptance
And finally, Step 4: Jubilation and/or pants shitting!
The crowd roared with stoke!
You did it, LL!
Another great one
That’s when the cupcakes showed up
Took two trays to handle a birthday boy of this magnitude. Everyone sang
Goddamn it – leave it to Louie to look cool even while blowing out birthday candles!
Some guys just got it
Must be nice
Custom photo toppers - i.e. my Saturday afternoon
You don’t have to be an East Coast powerhouse to eat a pretty pink cupcake, but it certainly helps
Get there, Domo!
Clean plate clubbers
Russell had a Fire Marshall Bill vibe going on. Plus whatever’s going on with all those rings
Just needs a solid mentoring
Local heavies, minds blown
Sexy librarian types … everywhere
DJ Parts, parting the soundscape with blistering metal
Gavin holds back Larry from springing forth like the kraken
Oh, a Louie video brings out the babes. Bet on that
Duck and Ish, brothers in stoke
What’s Doug’s spliff ratio? What’s awesome plus awesome??
Lifers: Acosta and Caron. Nice to see y’all!
And then on the other end of the stature equation … the Twin Towers – Kevin White and Caleb Barnett. Wow!
Out front, rock and rollers, running the stoop!
Can’t escape the babes lookin’ that tough!
I take comfort in that. Rock and roll may be a little fucked up right now, but you can’t kill it. No way. Thanks fellas!
My new Greek bros. Aντιο σας, ya’ll
And then finally, Ryan Lee’s limo arrived. Fun night! Thanks to Mike and Blake at the Good Bar, Volcom, Lannie, Ant, Ewan and Ryan Lee and especially Louie for knocking this shit out! Simply amazing! Watch that thing again right now!
‘What do you mean it’s over?’

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