Dominick Walker's "Family Style" Premiere Photos

Dominick Walker worked on his part for a hot minute, so when it came time to finally put it out, he did it the only way he knew how—family style. With a cash-for-tricks at Cherry and a premiere at Pharmacy to follow, Domo got most of Long Beach out to help him celebrate. Swipe through to see the whole scene.
Ben Karpinski

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 1001Starting off at Cherry, Domo and Tuan Nguyen unload a trunk full of proddy to give out. This is like giving someone presents on your own birthday. That’s our guy, though

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 2003And the Pharmacy squad assembles

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 3002Everyone had to say what's up to the man of the hour

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 4004Two of the gnarliest in the game, Julian Lewis and Clive Dixon rode up

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 5007Didn’t we mention something about family? Domo and his pops

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 6006You know Juju is going to show up

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 7008He can’t come to the park and not take a bite. Quick tré over the hydrant, then it was onto megaphone duty

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 8005Julian Heller, switch back 180 nosegrind

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 9009AJ floats a backside flip

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 10010You can always count on Nick Garcia to throw somethin’ outside the box, one-foot crooked grind

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 11012Ryan Hamburg has a good no-comply. But you already knew that

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 12011What if you did a hardflip but it was a heelflip and spun the opposite direction? It wouldn’t be a hardflip, I guess. Who cares—the other Ryan from Cherry was blasting them

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 13014Julian Lewis on his Rodney Mullen shit. Thanks for coming to his TED Talk

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 14013Brazil’s Truta chucks a switch front heel in heavy traffic

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 15019Cecilia boys Truta and Jaime Hicklen

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 16024You know how front blunts on quarterpipes just got easier over the years? Well, kickflip front blunts on ledges didn’t and Julian Davidson can do 'em

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 17021Quick stop by the Yeto corner. Let’s see who else is around here

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 18022Always great to see the Hager Bros

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 19023See what I’m talking about?

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 20020Lifelong friends Ryan Reyes and Ethan Loy caught up

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 21016Back to the action; it’s time for the product toss

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 22017Everyone’s a winner

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 23015Some more than others

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 24018We had to catch a movie, though, so we headed to Pharmacy

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 25025This happens when I try pop shoves too

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 26027Pharmacy legacy Matt Allen holds down the register. For any of you kids thinkin’ about doing a front salad down Hollywood, sorry. It’s ABD by Matt

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 27026Disorder fam Kwesi came through

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 28029And Kyle had to support his fellow Walker

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 29028Meanwhile, Domo was inside making it all happen

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 30030Got a little stressful, but don’t worry

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 31031The whole street was getting packed. That’s a lotta love

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 32032Everyone crammed in to catch a peek at the new part

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 33033"Nobody better ash on any of my product!” —Boo Johnson on crowd control

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 34035We weren’t kidding about that family business—the Loys showed up in support

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 35034SPEEEECH!

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 36036Dudes were fired up

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 37037People couldn’t believe the DOMOnation

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 38038Congrats, man!

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 39039Real Family Style with moms

Dominick Walker Family Style Premiere 40040Queue the Semisonic—but not before we give a major thank you to Pharmacy and everyone who helped out. If anyone deserved a day to celebrate his accomplishments with the whole city showin’ love, it’s our guy Domo. Now watch that part again!

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