Halloween Hellbomb 2022 Photos
Every year WE ATTEMPT TO plan this event, it's always harder than we think it’s going to be. To ease the stress, we started planning everything three months before Halloween. We thought that would give us plenty of time to get it going. But we learned that for five guys with full-time jobs, we probably still needed more time. And seeing as how our 2019 Hellbomb racked up millions of views, there were big shoes to fill. After two months of going back and forth with the city, jumping through all the legal hoops, planning out ramp designs and trying to find some sponsors to foot the bill, it seemed like this shit might not happen after all. With the event’s would-be date two weeks out, we said, “Fuck it,” and started on the obstacles anyway (thanks, Keen Ramps!). Once the ball got rolling, everything miraculously fell into place, and with just 48 hours before the event, we had a permit secured. Thank you to everyone that came out. Now enjoy every moment of mayhem. —Alex Papke
An early first look at the top of the hill while Long Beach’s finest prepare for the worst
A solid handshake to ensure nothing goes too far south
Did we mention that the winner takes home the honorary black card? No skate contest has offered this before—a bottomless prize purse
Diesel Degenerates and Ke$ha herself brought out the big rig on some twisted shit
As always, onlookers were dressed properly for the occasion
To start it off, we keep it simple with a race to the bottom
And as you can tell…
…everyone wanted a piece of it
Pushing full speed with a VX? Just another day for Austin Leleu
Jason Borosky traded in the dirtbike for a make-shift tent. Not the most aerodynamic, but it still goes
If standing up isn’t your thing, no sweat
All the homies were in full attendance
The only way to properly go down on a bike is with a beer in each hand
If you left your car at the bottom of the hill, good luck getting it back up
Unfortunately, the senior citizens weren’t feeling the speed
But a six-person luge? Why not?!
An overall message we want everyone to follow for the afternoon
Garrett Hill took a break from dropping some heavy PSLs to come out and support
And just in time, Cory gets the first obstacle in the ground
A quick check from our media team to make sure this 30-year-old technology still works
Just in time for the Lumberjack Massacre—better go fast or you might end up like Shealy
Getting sacked on this one was an ongoing thing
They eventually got the hang of it
Austin Heilman came out as our favorite F-Block alumni and charged full speed in Duffman's honor
Staring down the barrel of a gun, in huaraches
Anything for a good view
Slams were definitely inevitable
Kirby got a piece, then had to take a quick call
Kanaan Dern made the drive from O-side, going bullet-beating speed as Neo
Jack Olson makes a great Shaggy. Zoinks!
Pro tip: get a costume with some dome coverage to increase your chance of survival. Now cue the post-2000s G’N’R
Everyone was getting a piece of this thing
Even the dude in the wheeled kayak
Jack Olson took the cake, being the only person to take the Lumberjack switch
An impromptu haircut on the course? Sure, why not?!
On to the next obstacle—Satan’s Drano came correct with the Executioner’s Delight, a bump to pillory decked out with plenty of chains and blood. Greg Dehart warmed things up with a noseblunt
I found out a few months ago that Cold is secretly beast at riding a scooter. He took his talent to the next level—knee pads and all—but couldn’t catch a break
Ceddy was practically just picking up bodies at this point
If you’re gonna wear a helmet, you gotta be getting buck
Otto Rocket was definitely getting buck. We wanted to see a BSNB on this thing and TP delivered
If your homie is down to give you some shoulder action to get a view, I highly suggest you take it
It’s not Halloween without at least one of the Piss Drunx
Cody Jacobson might have gotten his arm clipped, but the Suski grind was worth it
Gas Giants took a break from their usual Cancun vacations to bring the Squid Game to Hellbomb
We turned the pillory around to get a little fatty-to-flatty action. Kenny Stanley checked off old faithful and got things going with a pop shove
That still didn’t stop the slams
If anything, it just made them gnarlier. If you’re gonna be on the media team, you best stay under the ladder for your own safety
And as the tricks went on, the gap got even bigger
It’s all about getting the angles, kids
Kwesi stepped to it no questions asked
But we all know Kanaan had to finish things off with a front 180 straight outta The Matrix
Walsh was on the mic all day as Steve Irwin getting the crowd hyped
Bragg came out with the Hook to slam some Claws
Did Cody Moyles know Bam was our special guest at Hellbomb or was it just a lucky guess? Either way, Ape's gonna be so pissed
The Twisted Tea hype with the youth is really showing these days
Omar and Decenzo, two heavyweights of the day
All ages are always welcome
Rhino getting some ideas for next year's costume
Our guy Rye Beres getting the crowd fired up for our third and final obstacle
Is that a giant spliff?
Well if it is, you gotta light that shit somehow. Thanks for doing the honors, Tanner
The Spliff Jam was our final obstacle event of the evening, and you know we had to go all out. That’s $100K in weed burning up in there!
It’s not as easy as it might look
The more skin, the better
Josh Douglas stepped it up with a smokin' back Smith
Tanner and Fiene were on their daredevil shit with the fire going strong
Did we mention this thing gets bigger? The only spliff that gets longer as it stays lit—Roman hit it easy
Backed up shortly by Decenzo
The only person to give me a double shinner during the day was this dude while he was skating up the hill
Sam Sneed has the front boards on lock
The Florida gang was loving every second of this shit
Gary Rogers was there, no suit but still fired up
And for the final jam, a nine-foot pole. You can’t make this spliff up
“But is it even possible?”
Right off the bat, Kanaan takes flight
Quickly followed by Sam Sneed
Almost 12 feet off the ground, it’s a long way down for little Julian
Sam shut the day down, boardsliding the nine-footer when no one saw it coming
And as always, the best way to wrap the day is with some more fire
Of course, the crowd got wild as everything started to burn down
Under Pressure to close it out, Tanner and Fiene as HK and Klein know what to do
And with two dudes bombing down the hill on fire, that's gotta be The End. A huge thanks to everyone who came out to Long Beach for this one. We can’t wait to do it again next year. Might start planning it now just to be safe…

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Van Doren Invitational 2013: Qualifiers
The Vans US Open in Huntington Beach is going off with a Marseilles-inspired concrete wonderland poured right on the sand. Here's some gems from practice and qualifiers, with Raney, Hatchell, Blair, and more heating it up! Semis and finals tomorrow. -
August 1995
Cover: Phil Shao – Smith Photo: Kanights Inside This Mag: Skating Burnside with Mark Gonzales, John Cardiel, Coco Santiago, Diggity Dawes, Skip Towne and more and interviews with Max Schaaf and Scott Johnson Also In This Issue: Rad ams Doug Shoemaker, Nikhil Thayer and James Qua and skating in Santa Rosa and BostonMusic Articles: Santana, No Use For A Name and Gaunt -
July 1994
Cover: Jaya Bonderov – Nosegrind Photo: Martineau Inside This Mag: Skating in Brazil and the East Coast and an interview with Omar HassanAlso In This Issue: Steve Caballero on sponsorshipMusic Articles: Beastie Boys, Entombed, the Frumpies, Dre Dog, NOFX and the Germs