Posted: July 15th, 2009
"Our songs do not contain messages. They simply document the macabre occurrences from which individuals suffer."
Interview and photos by Jordan Joseffer
Migraine is from Concord, CA, comprised of two-thirds of the members of Brutal Death and two other suburban kids who spend their time playing dark, drowning hardcore. Sounding similar to Infest or Siege they’re guaranteed to give your parents a migraine.
How'd you guys start? How'd you get the name?
Migraine has no origin, nor termination. If the knaves of hardcore modern would have their minds eased by a narrative of birth, let it be told of our conception in the womb of the chosen virgin, immaculate and glorious. Migraine is the vanguard, Migraine is the watchword.
Why does your myspace URL say “Bomb The Mission?”
The Mission finds itself the unfortunate nucleus of many cultural elements deemed counter-revolutionary and reactionary by The Honorable Migraine. Following this truth, its destruction is imperative, ultimately imminent, and shall be relegated to the "dustbin of history," as they say.
What do you guys do in Concord?
The Eternal City? Let the annals of history enlighten you of the possibilities Concord offers. Rome, Carthage, Constantinople, Babylon, Shanghai... Concord. Your thinly-veiled insult begs the question: will San Francisco stand the test of time? Shall its sodomites continue their reign on into the coming era? Migraine thinks not. Migraine foresees that its ruins shall kneel at the altar of Concord.
Who writes the songs?
Chase, Sean, Dan, and John.
Dante's Inferno is roughly analogous to our exploratory mission to Los Angeles. And Portland, little more than a leper colony dressed in modernity, was weak and timid at our feet. Their fortresses of capital crumbled and their women and children turned to slaves—a natural state—upon our entering the city. Seattle was alright, yielding quickly to our domineering influence.
What are the intentions of all the propaganda you guys put out?
The multitude of educational fliers, slogans, bulletins, and mass calls are for the benefit of you, our servile cadres. Migraine labors relentlessly, and with an unceasing devotion, to propel the uninitiated masses to our standards of ideology and organization.
What are the majority of you songs about? Is there a message?
Our songs do not contain messages. They simply document the macabre occurrences from which individuals suffer. It is ambiguous, perhaps unknowable, whether these phenomenon stem from the supernatural or are purely psychological.
How do you feel your first 7" came out?
Upon hearing of our debut EP's release, the masses rejoiced in the streets and everyone gave praise to that same Eternal Banner. There were scattered reports of virgins speaking in tongues, languages not heard in thousands of years, at the news that the darkness of the world had found its liberator: Migraine. Christians were thrown to lions, Jews drawn and quartered, Hindus removed of their ceremonial garb, Muslims were made to know the curious practices of Vlad Tepes. Our introductory communique was received exactly as planned, and we are content.
What's in the future for Migraine?
A new EP on Cowabunga records entitled "Weird Tales," as well as tracks on an upcoming compilation from the same label. We will be appearing on the new MRR comp, and we’re in the process of planning an upcoming tour. It is not the proper place of you or anyone to ask what great feats Migraine will accomplish next. Instead, look within yourself and discover how you can best serve us.
Check out Migraine's myspace for upcoming shows and more music.
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