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P-Stone Cup 2023 Photos

Last weekend, we went back to Bobs for the fourth annual P-Stone Cup. It’s the best show in boarding for a certain type of skate fan and this year kept up the repuation. I got the official press pass to help cover the event, so let’s see what these credentials can do. —Tom Shattuck

Photos by Brook, Shattuck, Ballard and Gerwer

001 DSC1952 hsp gerwerI started by getting flicked up with my fellow staffers, ad man Eben Sterling and the great Joe Brook. Most of the photos you’re about to see were taken by Joe. Not this one though. Gerwer shot this one

002 DSC1965 peter royce brookThis one’s definitely shot by Joe. Look at that sincere look of stoke on Hewitt’s face. On the right is Royce Nelson, who at one time held the unofficial title of highest air in a natural backyard pool

003 PStoneCup AnaFelix ShattuckThe family Stone. This contest is held every year to honor the life of Anna’s husband, Felix’s father and our guy Preston Maigetter. Notably absent this time around was Felix’s older brother Oskar, who was busy slide tackling and killing it in the state soccer tournament. Go Pirates!

004 DSC1969Over at the crow's nest, we’ve got resident mosaic artist Santi alongside Bira. Couldn’t ask for better grillmasters

005 PStoneCup RedTK2 ShattuckCode Red! Mark Scott and Tommy Kay, one of the great hype men of all time

006 DSC2033 cierra alden dylan brookThe early morning crew made sure everything ran smooth. Thanks, Ciera, Jalden and Dylan

007 PStoneCup NeckPortrait ShattuckNasty Neck's here. Think he'll be on the mic?

008 PStoneCup Peacock ShattuckDark lords everywhere, here’s Noah Peacock. Depop that fit

009 DSC2124 peabody lottie brookPeabody was dishing out tall tales to Mike Gigliotti. Depop The Body’s fit too

010 DSC2199 hsp filmers brookMedia team ready to rock. Rye Beres, Brendan Bill, Ewan Fucking Bowman and Matt Bublitz all called not it on editing this thing

011 DSC6996 odin hubbard friends brookBack inside we’ve got longtime friend of the mag Sean Gutierrez with Odin Hubbard, Tall Tales Bod and Odin’s little skate buddies

012 DSC7001 welsh steamer brookThe judges for the event are a closely guarded secret but I have seen Rob Welsh and Elissa Steamer walking around with clipboards. Just saying…

 DSC2101 mike yeti tm jerome brookCouldn't have done it without these two, Mike from Yeti and our events guy Jerome Case

013 PStoneCup Arco1 ShattuckOur other MC for the day. The great wit Mike Archimedes

014 DSC7117 hongry julien brookStaples of The Bay, Big Hongry and Julien Stranger

015 DSC6974 milo finn emile bino d brookNow this is a hype crew. Milo Demon, Finn Pope, Emile Laurent, Albino and D’Ontae Smith

016 PStoneCup Cardiel ShattuckDJ Juan Love, firing up the wheels of steel

017 PStoneCup TonyV ShattuckBossman Tony V was on the scene. Must be time to get this thing goin’

018 Eli Williams Kickflip Front5.0 BallardEli Williams draws first blood, kickflip frontside 5-0

019 PStoneCup EliBoneless ShattuckAnd this huge boneless into the corner

020 PStoneCupDanZ 7646Ty’Rae Carter from Kansas City had eggs for breakfast

021 PStoneCup PatFSRock ShattuckAnd Patlanta got an early front rock on the Coco wall

022 DSC2286 rowan nuge tino brookBetween the heats, we saw some Boys of Summer, Rozo, Nuge and Razo

023 DSC2472 beres bros brookThe Beres brothers, class acts

024 DSC2484 nicole friend brookNicole and Buffy are in the building...or bowl

025 DSC7257 zion fsa brookZion Wright went ham over the hip

026 DSC7796 kanfoush tail block brookEvan Smith was doing the most to get those angles. Kanfoush Custom Concrete tailblocks his hard work and rolls back in unfazed

027 PStoneCup RedInvert ShattuckShirtless invert? Yep, Red's on the course

028 PStoneCup TNT ShattuckTony Trujillo killing it as you’d expect

029 DSC7491 patlanta roll in brookPatlanta’s famous roll in from the sound wall. Hope I didn't blow the shot... 

030 PStoneCup Kanfoush ShattuckKanfoush getting righteous off the bank hip

031 DSC7901 hugo help crossing brookHugo Boserup plays crossing guard

032 PStoneCup HugoNosepick ShattuckThen rips the pick on the extendo
033 PStoneCup HugoElissa ShattuckOh, hey, Elissa

034 Rainy Beres Miller Flip BallardRaney Beres with the Miller flip

035 PStoneCup RonnieLienTiz ShattuckThis is where Ronbo warms up, on the sketchy little quarter pipe I call the punisher. Casual Lien to tiz

036 PStoneCup NeedsID3 ShattuckRippers coming out of the woodwork

037 PStoneCupDanZCedrisBsGrab 7777Ceddy going grasser on Tom's wall

038 PStoneCupDanZNicoleHauseInvert 7706You're right, Nora! That is an upside down Hause

039 PStoneCupDanZNicoleHauseRockNRollVert 7726Gnarly rock fake on the coconut

040 Pedro Delfino Invert Fakie BallardPsycho Dro goes upside down and backwards. Like and subscribe

041 DSC7860 tnt body surfing brookIt was getting hectic out there!

042 DSC8052 rowan bs ng brookRozo!

043 DSC8129 pedro falling brookHeavy cross-town traffic

044 DSC8196 pedro fs invert brookRaw power Pedro Delfino puts on a show for GT

045 PStoneCupDanZCodyFSA 7680Cody with a big ol' FSA

046 DSC7781 gt fs air 3 brookGT makes his first appearance

047 PStoneCup GTTailBlock ShattuckTailblock for TFT

048 PStoneCup GTNeck ShattuckFront D among other moves

049PStoneCup TNT2 ShattuckTNT with the heel-a-monster

050 PStoneCup DiegoJarred ShattuckHow about a little breather before the finals? I ran into these goofballs paling around outside, Diego Todd and Jared Burke. Let’s do a lap

051 PStoneCup JPCodyBuckyDreads ShattuckJP, Cody, Bucky and Peyton

052 DSC2611 locals brookThere will be babes

053 DSC2436 fatty mack g bicks brookFatty Mac and G Bicks

054PStoneCup SilasFrank ShattuckSBN and Frank

055 DSC2492 onion max brookOnio and Max Schaaf, These guys literally grew up right here on this block

056 DSC2233 pat raven brookPatlanta and Raven “Kahanamoku” Tershy locked in. Alright, let’s get back out there

057 PStoneCup RonnieSlob ShattuckRonnie Sandoval, slob plant in the finals

058 PStoneCup GTImprov ShattuckGeets with some crazy improv

059 PStoneCup GTBSA ShattuckThe backside air that sealed the deal

061 DSC8239 gt nora brookFuck yeah

062 PStoneCup PeteJoe ShattuckPete the Ox and Brook were fired the fuck up

063 DSC7540 ron allen homies brookEveryone wondering who it's gonna be

063 DSC7540 ron allen homies brookOur digital dude Cole Mathews and the big boss bring the awards

065 DSC8273 tony trophy brookHeavy Maka Lasi. Shout out Farkus for making the trophies, Max for the hand-stamped plates and Austin for the bases. The team effort paid off

066 DSC8352 awards 3 women brookFor the women, it was third place Nora, second place Nicole and first place went to The Bay's own Lara Botto!

067 DSC8383 awards 7 women brookCongrats!

068 DSC8442 ronnie brookRonnie planted his way onto the podium. Here he is doing third-place a spit take

069 DSC8467 gt awards 1 brookCold Chapman got second, which meant only one thing for GT

070 DSC8499 gt bros brookYeeeeeeeeeeeahhh!!!!

071 DSC8613 gt cody ronnie 5 brookWhat glory

072 DSC8534 gt cody awards brookYes. Just yes

073 DSC8518 gt awards 2 brook“This is for Preston Maigetter”

074 DSC8486 gt awards kf brookThen he had to kickflip in the fog

075 DSC8673 rowan beer cans 2 brookRowan jumped onto the board loaded with cans without knocking any off

076 DSC8684 rowan beer cans 3 brookIt was nice while it lasted

077 DSC8707 felix anna 2 brookSo much love

078 DSC8729 felix trust fall brookThen, of course, it was time for the trust falls. Felix gets first rip

079 DSC8776 hongry pre trust brook“We good?”

080 DSC8804 hongry trust brookBIG TRUST

081 DSC8868 gbicks trust brookUp next, G Bicks

082 DSC8876 gbicks trust 2 brookHell yeah, brother

083 DSC8913 lara trust 3 brookLara?! Lightwork

084 DSC9003 atl friends brookQuick group shot with some real ones

085 DSC8968 atl load brookAnd one for Tom. ATL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

086 Cody Chapman Tfunk 2 BallardThat’s right

087 PStoneCup Fire BallardFire time, baby

088 DSC2622 brookZion Williams also did the trust fall. That's faith

089 DSC2576 teddy deepfried cody brookTeddy Seeley and Deep Fried Cody lookin’ for hippie jumps and hills probably

090 PStoneCup Archer Braun Finn Pope BallardFinn taking a waterfall rip from the doorway

091 PStoneCup Funk Cheech BallardSkate then destroy

092 PStoneCup keg Stand BallardForgot it was pledge week

093 PStoneCup LB BallardAnd that’s a wrap. Thanks to all the rippers and loved ones who came out, and big ups to ATL and the Strat family for showing up. Until next year…