Super gnarly slams, classic Slayer tunes, no better way to kickstart your day. Be prepared for carnage. Consider yourself warned!
  • Yardsale: Crossroads

    Yardsale: Crossroads
    Left over footage from Crossroads including Darrell Stanton, Jimmy Carlin, Windsor James, and the Nuge.
  • Classics: Cardiel Cover

    Classics: Cardiel Cover
    Oil cans in the rain? Cards and a soggy bike ramp add up to one classic cover. November 1998. —Phelps
  • Prevent This Tragedy: Gravette

    Prevent This Tragedy: Gravette
    David Gravette takes a lot of slams filming for the upcoming Prevent This Tragedy video.
  • Ask The Phelper: Carlin

    Ask The Phelper: Carlin
    Jimmy Carlin sits down with Jake and talks Duffel, Chula Vista, and possible SOTY candidates.
  • Drehobl To Fakie Contest

    Drehobl To Fakie Contest
    Send in your gnarliest pivot or 5.0 to fakie on video and win a fat box from Dan Drehobl. Contest ends October 16, 2009.
  • Classics: Cardiel

    Classics: Cardiel
    February 1997: Me, Stranger, Bob, and Johnzo went skating in Australia. 53 parks, 19 days. Eat a dick. —Phelps
  • Ask The Phelper: Remy Stratton

    Ask The Phelper: Remy Stratton
    Remy Stratton sits down with Jake at Crossroads to talk some Volcom history and candidates for Skater of the Year 2009.
  • Can't Live Without You: Crossroads Fall 2009

    Can't Live Without You: Crossroads Fall 2009
    Crossroads came and went. Pott won the double set, Kechaud jumped 12 barrels, & Capt Cole destroyed everything for the win.
  • Yardsale: Chili Bowl 2009

    Yardsale: Chili Bowl 2009
    Here's some crumbs that didn't make it into the 2009 Chili Bowl cut.