The Flat Earth Premiere Photos
Friday night was the premiere of The Flat Earth, Ty Evan’s latest cinematic masterpiece. Once again, Ty and his crew—now named Ghost Digital Cinema—delivered the goods. Ty’s use of the newest, hottest filming and editing technology was equally matched with the new and hot skateboarding talents of Chase Webb, Carlos Iqui, Cody Lockwood, Michael Pulizzi and Jamie Foy. Whether it’s lighting up spots 'til the sun comes up, melting snow in New York City with a blowtorch or hiking through miles of slick rock trails in the Utah desert, Ty and his crew will stop at nothing when it comes to helping skaters film tricks, and The Flat Earth is the proof! —Joe Hammeke
The Flat Earth available now for pre order on iTunes here.An hour before showtime and the line to the Fox Theater Westwood Village was all the way down the block. Fun fact: all eight Harry Potter movies have premiered here
Early arrivals, Flip, Doughnut and the always stoked Massimo straight off a flight from London
Newlyweds Eleena and Birdhouse lensman Adam Mills
The Nine Club’s Roger Bagley and his lady in tow
“And we’re back,” Nine Club host Chris Roberts poses with a fan for a photo
Shake Junt’s Shane Heyl and his lady. This is the calmest I’ve ever seen Shane!
Deathwish’s Erick Valdez and Jay Thorpe
D-Vargs and Gavin Denike
When you paint your fingernails to match your coat
Gage Boyle with mom and pops
Thrasher’s masterlensman Ewan Bowman with Simon from Copenhagen
Braydon Szafranski and his lady
Due to a broken wrist, Cody Lockwood knocked out most of his part in the final month of filming.That definitely deserves a slushie and a large popcorn
The Hernandez’s, BYOB
Big Boy Jamie Foy is not afraid of a little snack time
8:30pm showtime and Ty is ready with the harddrive
Everyone, time to pile in
Jeron Wilson and Ako Jefferson scope for seating
Ty with the introductory speech
Here are the stars of The Flat Earth: Cody Lockwood, Jamie Foy, Chase Webb and Michael Pulizzi. Carlos Iqui couldn’t make it because he was stuck in Brazil dealing with Visa issues
Forty speakers of surround sound, kaleidescopic dreams in 4K, legendary ledge work and more rails than Amtrak kept a packed theater on the edge of their seats
Chase Webb, you made it out alive! Did you see his Lest We Forget “On Handrails” in the Jan. 2018 issue of the mag? If so, then you know he’s a survivor
Zach Allen and Darien Brown stoked and ready to go get some clips
Chicken Bone Nowison, guess who’s got a trick in the vid!
OG Plan B, Jacob Rosenberg, two thumbs up
Jake “DaJewler” Johnson stoked on that filmer cred
Ducky, still mindblown by Chase Webb’s handrail attack and Michael Pulizzi’s ledge destruction
Guess whose niece is holding up The Flat Earth?
Burndog found him!
It’s Thrasher magazine 2017 SOTY Jamie Foy!
Uh oh, what’s mama Foy tearing into?
Diamond made these custom Ts with Mrs. Foy giving Jamie a tow in on her Harley
Ish Cepeda and Dakota Hunt gettin' it for the Insta story
Posse up
The Flat Earth media crew: Mike Poore, Cameron Strand, Ty Evans, Justice Ott and Kevin Denning. Excellent work, guys!
And we out!
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