Evan Smith's DC Shoe Release Party
Was there ever a time that Evan Smith wasn’t killing it? We’re not sure, but he’s definitely been on a tear recently filming for his Time Trap part. There was a sneak-peek video premiere last night along with a shoe-release party for Evan’s first pro-model shoe on DC. All the homies came out to Alex’s Bar in Long Beach for a night of beers, bands and one hell of a video part. Wait ‘till you see it on Monday. It’s gonna fry your face off. Congrats, Evan!
Photos: Ben Karpinski
Aidan Campbell was there to cheer Evan on
Boulevarders: Carlos, Rob and RP—jacket game strong
Cyril Jackson tried to go camo but we spotted him. ‘Sup, Killa!
Jimmy Astleford is not only the DC Team Manager, he’s also a wicked DJ
D Wrex up next… for a drink
Nuge and Jason Jessee, hanging in the back, in black
Tom, Ethan Loy and Kyle Walker imbibed
Ezekiel alumni Randy Ploesser crushed some cans in support
Nick Garcia, Dominick Walker and Becky Garcia, ready to see that part drop
Jeff Pang then invited Evan up to the stage…
…just to make things official. Limited-edition colorway?
Speech! Speech! Speech!
Then we got a sneak peek of Evan’s Time Trap part, coming to thrashermagazine.com on Monday! So heavy
The Entrance Band started playing as soon as the video part was over
Evan got to hand pick the bands he wanted to play at his party. Just like home, I guess
Things started picking up
Jaime, Juju and Wes, stoke levels high
The band Wand closed out the night
These things really do have a sole of their own. Congrats again, Evan! More than deserved!