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Vans Park Series: São Paulo Photos

The Vans Park Series made its way down to Brazil recently, hosting a massive contest and also leaving an amazing skatepark for the city São Paulo. And although the weekend was a competition, it was hard to see that through all the smiles. Obrigado! –Lui Elliott


Photos by Anthony Acosta

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE a9 1832 DZ 750pxFollow the leader

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE ChrisRussell FrontsideStraightLeggedAir a9 1617 DZ 750pxThe Muscle flexin’ the ol’ stiffy

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE DoraVarella BacksideNosepick a9 1050 DZ 750pxI wonder if Dora Varella intentionally matched her helmet to the coping. Backside nosepick

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE MuriloPeres BacksideTailslide a9 1818 DZ 750pxMurilo Peres didn’t make the finals but goddamn these back tails looked good

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE ViKakinho TailgrabOnefoot a9 1246 DZ 750pxLook at how impressed the VPS sanitation worker is with Vi Kakinho’s tailgrab one foot. We see you back there, Thrasher Dan

LWA VPS2019 BRAZIL FRIDAY PRAC Brazil Crew DZ 750pxThe Brazilians were ready to make their country proud

LWA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE JakeWooten DZ 750pxJake Wooten’s always full of smiles, even after getting smoked

LWA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE Karl Berglind DZ 750pxWe found out that Karl’s middle name is actually Harry

LWA VPS2019 BRAZIL THURSDAYPRACTICE Tristan Rennie DZ 750pxAll of us are still in awe of how good Chris Gregson is at follow filming

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS BrightonZeuner Blunt a9 1225 DZ 750pxThe thick spine seemed to be throwing everyone off but Brighton’s blunt broke its curse

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS CedricPabichJoshBorden a9 1958 DZ 750pxCedric Pabich and Josh Borden both landed their tricks for a terrifying accidental doubles

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS DoraVarella FrontsideRockNRoll a9 1380 DZ 750pxDora exploring a front rock

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS GreysonFletcher a7r9293 DZ 750pxGreyson Fletcher, a skater running a Twitch stream with no filter

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS ChrisRussell SwitchInvert a9 1553 DZ 750pxChris Russell going upside down is one thing, but switch? No thanks

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS HeimanaReynolds Madonna a7r8966 DZ 750pxHow loud do you think Heimana’s Madonna smack was? Nope. It was louder

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS JordynBarratt Eggplant a9 1401 DZ 750pxJordyn Barratt with full confidence, bringing those eggs home

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS Kikona a9 1422 DZ 750pxKokona Hiraki did these nosegrinds through the corner every try. I can’t even fathom being that consistent

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS LuizFrancisco Boneless a9 1663 DZ 750pxBrazil’s Luiz Francisco was flying so high on these bonelesses that he had time to poke ‘em out on the way down

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS Media a7r9292 DZ 750pxMitch and the rest of the media holding it down

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS PedroCrowd a7r8932 DZ 750pxAll eyes on Pedro

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS PedroYndiara a7r9210 DZ 750pxBrazil takes home the gold in the motherland

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS PedroBarros 540 a9 1688 DZ 750pxPedro won with his first run but threw in and extra 540 on his next to solidify the title

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS PedroBarros Tailslide a7r9218 DZ 750pxThe ol’ peanut gallery

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS RomanPedro a7r9115 DZ 750px“Cool down, man. You’re on fire!”

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS RomanPedro a7r9116 DZ 750px

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS Podium a7r9172 DZ 750pxMen’s podium: Tristan Rennie 3rd, Luiz Francisco 2nd and Pedro Barros in 1st

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS RomanPabich FastplantVarial a9 2084 DZ 750pxIt was blazing hot out so Roman ripped his shirt for more air conditioning

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS SakuraYosozumi BacksideOllie a9 1493 DZ 750pxSakura Yosozumi’s focus is strong

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS TristanRennie Blunt a9 2050 DZ 750pxTristan’s blunt seems like one of those tricks that’s very comfortable but can go really bad, really fast

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS YndiaraAsp a7r8800 DZ 750px“I think that was it?”

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS YndiaraAsp FrontsideFeebleGrind a7r8786 DZ 750pxYndiara Asp poking a front feeble through the corner in her winning run

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS a7r8899 DZ 750pxWomen’s podium: Brighton Zeuner 3rd, Sakura Yosozumi 2nd and Yndiara Asp in 1st

ACOSTA VPS2019 BRAZIL FINALS a7r9101 DZ 750pxObrigado, Brazil!