Best of 2016: Evan Smith
To say Evan had a HELL OF A YEAR is an enormous understatement. From DC's "Time Trap" part, Element's "Zygote" video to every contest or street spot he encountered, Mr. Smith laid down the gauntlet. Two covers in a year!
Introducing the Matt Miller Signature Shoe
DC proudly introduces the Matt Miller signature shoe with this clip of a gnarly nollie 50-50. -
Carlos Iqui hits the streets of SF in this clip for the new collab between DC and FTC. Watch the clip here. -
Wes Kremer's "Extra Crusty By Nature" Part
Simply amazing. Kick back and enjoy this behind-the-scenes journey, featuring slams, outtakes, and never before seen footy. Wes is best. -
DC Shoes: Nyjah Vulc
DC proudly unveils the Nyjah Vulc. Watch the clip here. -
20 Years of DC Party Photos
David Broach sent some pics from the party celebrating 20 years of DC in photographs. Check them out here.