"Grindland" Official Trailer
Thrasher’s first full-length documentary, "Grindland" is the story of Mark Scott and Mark Hubbard, two visionary skaters from the Pacific Northwest who, along with dedicated friends, kickstarted the modern DIY/concrete skatepark revolution. Premiering this Friday, Jan.14th on all Thrasher channels
Grindland Extras: "Burnside and Lincoln City Session" Video
This Grindland story ain't ancient history. Mark Scott and friends fire it up on hallowed ground. Of course his kid rips! -
Grindland Extras: "Red and Monk Hit the Turf" Cartoon by The Larb
A hilarious Hellride from Seattle to Milwaukee gets the Larb animation treatment. Believe it! -
“Grindland – Red, Monk and the Birth of DIY” Full Movie
From the early days of Burnside to 2019’s Rip Ride Rally, this film explores the friendship, struggle, triumph and tragedy of DIY pioneers Mark Scott and Mark Hubbard –– true iconoclasts hellbent on building the skateparks of their dreams. Watch this with your friends.