Will Blaty's "Fetish" Part
There are no rules in skating, no set trick lists or instruction manuals. That’s what makes what we do so great. Will has an approach unlike any other. Dive into his world and enjoy the ride.
Order Welcome's "Fetish" DVD here.
SKATELINE: 11.16.2021
Mark Suciu strikes again, Aaron Goure's Welcome part, Palace's Beyond the 3rd Wave video, Supreme's Mind Goblin video and more in today's episode of Skateline. -
Welcome Skateboards' "American Goure Story" Video
D-Vargs, Townley, Lay and the team get some before Goure goes berserk with next-level boardslides. Another Scrambler is Am no more. -
Ryan Townley: The Thrasher Interview
Nora Vasconcellos chats with her fellow Welcome broom rider about art, being a dog dad and filming for his recent Layers part—from our Feb ’21 issue of the mag. -
Soft Kill x Welcome Skateboards
Welcome gets the singer from Soft Kill on the line to discuss music, addiction and their recent collaboration. -
Welcome's Baculus 2.0 Shape Review
Will Blaty gets pitched and flies to flat while slide testing the new nine-inch Welcome.