• Spitfire Northwest Trippin' Video Premiere

    Spitfire Northwest Trippin' Video Premiere

    Come by 35th North in Seattle this Saturday to see Spitfire's latest tour video.
  • Battle on the Block

    Battle on the Block

    35th North fired up the courts in Seattle with a scorchin’ mini ramp jam. Peep the sesh…
  • Zine Thing Challenge: "Swedish Metal" Video

    Zine Thing Challenge: "Swedish Metal" Video

    To win the Zine Thing Challenge, Logan Devlin and friends turned his dad's '98 Volvo into the ultimate skate obstacle. This video is unsafe at any speed.
  • 35th North's "Pine St. Bombers" Vol. 2

    35th North's "Pine St. Bombers" Vol. 2

    Anchored by skateshop 35th North, the Seattle scene is stronger than ever. Here’s a new edit from the homies on Capitol Hill.
  • Kevin Stake's "Bump N Grind" Video

    Kevin Stake's "Bump N Grind" Video

    The Pacific Northwest is a hotbed of not only skateboarding talent, but filmmaking as well. Cheers to another killer full-length from Washington state.
  • Happy 40th Anniversary 35th Avenue!

    Happy 40th Anniversary 35th Avenue!

    35th Avenue Skateshop has been an important fixture in the Washington skate scene for 40 YEARS! Check out this documentary chronicling their history.
  • "Witch Hunt 2018" Article

    "Witch Hunt 2018" Article

    The third-annual Skate Like a Girl Witch Hunt was the best one yet! Eighteen teams descended upon the streets of Seattle to score points, scare boys and share the message of stoke! This event is everything that’s good about skateboarding.
  • Griffin Gass's "Pacific Standard Time" Video

    Griffin Gass's "Pacific Standard Time" Video

    Cruising around Seattle with Griffin Gass. Shot on Kodak 16mm film over the course of a few days in August and December.
  • Trevor Clark's "Washington Winter" Part

    Trevor Clark's "Washington Winter" Part

    While winter's dark cloud descended on the Northwest, Trevor Clark kept the fire burning. Check out his latest part for Seattle’s 35th North skateshop.
  • Griffin Gass' "35th North" Part

    Griffin Gass' "35th North" Part

    Griffin climbs concrete walls, rides crooked rails, and weaves through Washington's rain-soaked sidewalks with style. Looking forward to seeing more of this guy in the years to come...