• April 2001

    April 2001
    Cover: Geoff Rowley – Portrait Photo: Sturt Inside This Mag: Thrasher's 2000 Skater of the Year Geoff Rowley and the 2000 T-Eddy AwardsAlso In This Issue: Skating in Phoenix with the City Stars Phoenix and an interview with Larry PerkinsMusic Articles: Weezer, Propagandhi, Andrew W.K. and more 
  • December 2000

    December 2000
    Cover: Eric Koston – Backside Lipslide Photo: Burnett Inside This Mag: An interview with Fabrizio Santos, the New Deal team embarks on a filming tour, skating in Toronto and a trip to Japan with Aaron Harrison, Luis Martinez and moreAlso In This Issue: Interviews with Chad Knight, Brandon Biebel and Stephen BaileyMusic Articles: King Diamond, Shadows Fail and Foreign Legion
  • September 2000

    September 2000
    Cover: Jim Greco – Switch Frontside Flip Photo: Ogden Inside This Mag: Quicksilver Bowlriders 2000 in Marseille, France, 151 things that happen on a road trip, the Fifth Annual Basic BBQ Grind Series and a road trip to the 3rd Lair skatepark demo with Ryan Parsons, Ron Whaley, Steffan Attardo, Mike Rafter and Eric BorkAlso In This Issue: Slash Money Skate Jam 2000 and interviews with Mark Appleyard, Lee Smith, Austin Stephens and Satva LeungMusic Articles: Motorhead, Nashville Pussy, Kid Koala and the Richmond Sluts
  • May 2000

    May 2000
    Cover: Reese Forbes – Fakie Ollie Photo: Ogden Inside This Mag: An interview with Dave Coyne, Big snaps a new world record and skating in Indiana with Scott Wilson, Joe Skow and moreAlso In This Issue: Skating in Indonesia and interviews with Jerry Hsu, Dorian Tucker, Matt Field, Frank Gerwer and Texas DanMusic Articles: Dwarves and Skitzofreniks
  • April 2000

    April 2000
     Cover: Brain Anderson – Portrait Photo: Morf. Ogden Inside This Mag: Thrasher's 1999 Skater of the Year Brian Anderson, 1999 T-Eddy Awards and 1999 SOTY runner up Mitch FrydrickAlso In This Issue: 2000 Tampa Am and the top ten reasons to quit skatingMusic Articles: Jazz June, Man or Astroman? and Blackalicious  
  • March 2000

    March 2000
    Cover: Paul Machnau – Frontside Slider Photo: Burnett Inside This Mag: Interviews with Alex Chalmers and Matt Mumford, skating in South America with Felipe Carosella, Patricio Albornoz, Spiro, the Butcher and more and the Beast of the East ContestAlso In This Issue: Skater of the Year Christmas BlowoutMusic Articles: Gang Starr, Joe Strummer and the Bobbyteens  
  • January 2000

    January 2000
    Cover: Steve Caballero – Frontside Air Photo: Thatcher Inside This Mag: MTV's 3rd Annual Sports and Music Festival in Las Vegas, the Triple Crown and a look at skating so far as we enter into the new millenniumAlso In This Issue: Vancouver skate monuments, interviews with Ohio skaters Ed Dominick, Scott Pazelt and Chad Knight and ams of the new millennium Pat Corcoran, Tony Dasilda, Kyle Kimberling and Alysson CastroMusic Articles: Unsane, Natas, Rubberroom and Deadbolt
  • March 1999

    March 1999
    Cover: Rick Howard – Crooked Grind Photo: Ogden Inside This Mag: Frankie Hill's story, skating in Miami and an interview with Jon West Also In This Issue: Plywood Paradise II in VenturaMusic Articles: Meshuggah, Prince Paul and Archers of Loaf 
  • November 1998

    November 1998
    Cover: John Cardiel – Frontside Air Photo: Morf Inside This Mag: Diego Bucchieri and interviews with Elissa Steamer, Jake Rupp and Buster HaltermanAlso In This Issue: Sick ams Phil Ladjanski, Cris Alhambra, Jimmy Chadwick, Jesse Fritsch, Dave Ruta and Corey DuffelMusic Articles: Sunny Day Real Estate and the Chubbies
  • October 1998

    October 1998
    Cover: Wade Speyer And Daewon Song – Portraits Photo: Ogden Inside This Mag: An interview with Daewon Song and a decade of Wade SpeyerAlso In This Issue: Titans of tech Andrew Reynolds, Ronnie Creager, Marc Johnson, Rob Welsh, Mike York and more and X-GamesMusic Articles: The Evaporators, Hatebreed, the Coup, Both Worlds and the Donnas
  • "303 Does North Carolina" Video

    "303 Does North Carolina" Video
    303 takes the crew across the country to the holy land of handrails. Duckin' security and linkin' with a SOTY, Devin Bagnoli, Myles Tussey, Michael Matlock and the Denver gang handles business.  
  • Space Pupil's "The Universe is Mental" Video

    Space Pupil's "The Universe is Mental" Video
    The Space Pupil crew kicks it off in LA and before Kyle Walsh turns it up with a showstopping part full of deadly rails.
  • Super Skate Posse Giveback 25 | Honolulu

    Super Skate Posse Giveback 25 | Honolulu
    Jaime Reyes, Leo Baker, Mike Anderson, Zered Bassett and more link up in Honolulu to lace up the kids and rip the park with the Super Skate Posse.
  • Ambition's "Deadlock" Video

    Ambition's "Deadlock" Video
    Winter's here, and that means Dave Engerer, Morgan DT and company are ditchin' the trucks again to hit the snowy streets for Ambition.
  • Erick Winkowski for Bronson

    Erick Winkowski for Bronson
    Winkowski links up with Jhanka to charge a DIY barrier for Bronson. 
  • Events
    In The Mag
    Greyson Fletcher Thrasher Cover February 2025
    Greyson Fletcher lets it dangle with a barefoot one-footer high above Oahu's North Shore. In this issue, we've got GX1000 in Japan, Indy in Germany, Atlantic Drift in Kazakhstan. Plus interviews with Shawn Hale, Donovon Piscopo and Greyson Fletcher himself.