• Tumble In Tucson 2020 Video

    Tumble In Tucson 2020 Video

    Navs took the Rumble out of Ramona, bringing the Tumble down to Tucson and Willis Kimbel, Cory Juneau, Chris Russell and the rest of the crew did some serious damage to the pit. Watch the dudes sky and the coping fly at what hopefully becomes a new Southwest tradition.
  • Death Match 2013: Pt. 2 of 2

    Death Match 2013: Pt. 2 of 2

    The tombstone went up and the crew knocked on Death's door. More ripping, music, babes, and beers.
  • Death Match 2013: What Is Death Match?

    Death Match 2013: What Is Death Match?

    Let's have some of our distinguished guests explain.
  • Classics: S.U.A.S.

    Classics: S.U.A.S.

    They don't call him the Vertical Vampire for nothing. Navs digs deep in his VHS collection today with this Shut Up And Skate Pro-Am championship in Houston,TX from 1986. Phillips, Mountain, Hawk… they're all in there.
  • Ask The Phelper: John Gibson

    Ask The Phelper: John Gibson

    May, 1985. One shot, epic cover: John Gibson on dawn patrol at Amarillo pipe. Twenty five years later, Johnny Tex talks turkey about the good ol' days.
  • Texas Death Match 2010

    Texas Death Match 2010

    7:00 am flight out of Oakland, straight to Austin, TX. Good times, great bands, cool folks, kill food. Thanks to Converse, Mike Crum, Kicker, and the Scoot Inn. Always tip the bartender—see ya next year.
  • March 1990

    March 1990

    Cover: Marc Hollander – Carve Photo: Starr Inside This Mag: Interviews with Texas skaters John Gibson, Craig Johnson and Jeff Phillips, new blood Danny Way and Tom Knox and a trip to Japan for the Far East contestAlso In This Issue: First White Wave Winter Whomp Out in the Northern Sierras, Shut Up and Skate Competition in Dallas and Houston, the Czechoslovakia Euro Cup and skating in BostonMusic Articles: Ice-T, Pushead's 100 favorite records of the 80s
  • May 1985

    May 1985

    Cover: John Gibson – Frontside Thrust Photo: Kevin Thatcher Inside This Mag: Pipe adventures, an interview with Tony Hawk and the C.A.S.L. kickoff at UplandAlso In This Issue: Pool skatingMusic Articles: Metallica
  • September 1983

    September 1983

    Cover: Top Left: Mike McGill – Backside Air Photo: Schmitt Top Right: Craig Johnson – Frontside Air Photo: Newton Bottom Left: John Gibson – Frontside Air Photo: Newton Center: Jay Cabler – Loose Frontside Edge Out Photo: Newton Bottom Right: Anonymous – Street Push Photo: Newton Inside This Mag: Thirteen skaters like Tony Hawk, Neil Blender, Christian Hosoi and more answer six important questions and the Thrasher Summer Tour '83 gets wildAlso In This Issue: NSA Paramount in LA, the Devil's Pit 3rd Annual Fogtown Contest and tons of other contest resultsMusic Articles: Code of Honor