• Rough Cut: Nike SB's "Camp Pain"  Video

    Rough Cut: Nike SB's "Camp Pain" Video

    Sometimes it’s better just to list the dudes in a video and let that do all the talking. This raw edit features: Eric Koston, Grant Taylor, Cory Kennedy, Ishod Wair, Kevin Terpening, and others.
  • Nike's "Camp Pain" Video

    Nike's "Camp Pain" Video

    A fantasy grouping of the Nike team cruise around Argentina under the chaperone of The Butcher, himself. How's that for a campaign?
  • Kevin Terpening's "Elite Squad" Video

    Kevin Terpening's "Elite Squad" Video

    Drawing unique lines with power and style Kevin Terpening handles anything in his path. Check out this video from Nike SB.
  • Donovon Piscopo's Shoe Release Photos

    Donovon Piscopo's Shoe Release Photos

    Nike and Pawnshop teamed up over the weekend to celebrate the release of Donovon’s new Blazer with one hell of a skate jam. Covina represent! 
  • HUF Demo at Active

    HUF Demo at Active

    These guys can handle raw streets so you know a buttery indoor park will be a blast. Here’s an edit featuring Dan Plunkett, Brad Cromer, Kevin Terpening, and Matt Gottwig.
  • SOTY "Maxed Out" Video

    SOTY "Maxed Out" Video

    The SOTY takes a victory lap around Hawaii with his bros. It’s good to be the king.
  • SOTY "Maxed Out" Teaser

    SOTY "Maxed Out" Teaser

    When you’re SOTY you get to go on a trip with your crew. AVE picked Hawaii (duh) and brought a heavy posse, including Guy and Dressen. Vid premieres on Monday.
  • Brad Cromer's Shoe Release Party

    Brad Cromer's Shoe Release Party

    Brad Cromer's shoe is out! Huf threw a bash at Black in LA last night to celebrate. Congrats on the shoe Brad! You earned the fuck out of it buddy!
  • Tired Skateboards Video 3

    Tired Skateboards Video 3

    Tired isn’t age or ability, it’s a state of mind. All that matters is the love of skateboarding. Merry X-Mas and stuff.
  • Burnout: Rusty's Day Out

    Burnout: Rusty's Day Out

    A photographic journey through AVE's surprise party. What? You already saw the video? Fuck it!