• King of the Road 2014: End of the Line

    King of the Road 2014: End of the Line

    KOTR is history but the winners won't be announced until AFTER the webisodes air, starting in November. The teams don't even know! In the meantime, check the best photos and videos from our #thrasherkotr2014 feed.
  • King of the Road 2014: The Book

    King of the Road 2014: The Book

    KOTR has begun... and we have the book right here. Take a peek and see what's in store for Element, Birdhouse, and Flip. We may even give YOU the opportunity to complete some challenges...
  • King of the Road 2014: Element Team Change

    King of the Road 2014: Element Team Change

    After dislocating his big toe, Madars Apse has bowed out of the Element KOTR squad to be replaced by handrail heavyweight (and Nyjah's roommate,) Dominick Walker. 
  • King of the Road 2014: Team Profiles

    King of the Road 2014: Team Profiles

    Which team is going to take King of the Road in 2014? Check the stats...
  • King of the Road 2013: Webisode 6

    King of the Road 2013: Webisode 6

    Elijah Berle shows his ATV abilities, Stevie Perez battles a backlip shove-it, and the filmer makes a love connection with a girl who has a probation ankle monitor.
  • King of the Road 2013: Webisode 5

    King of the Road 2013: Webisode 5

    A panda gets to second base, the whole team gets the dubstep blues, and Zack Wallin snaps a rare no-comply fakie.
  • King of the Road 2013: Webisode 3

    King of the Road 2013: Webisode 3

    Real is in this to win and the guys find a stripper who skates, Brock gets inked, Brockel does a huge bar snap, and Jake Ruiz grinds one of the gnarliest 50-50s in KOTR history.
  • King of the Road 2013: Webisode 2

    King of the Road 2013: Webisode 2

    Chocolate starts off with an unreal bank-to-wall session, Stevie Perez gets 10 tricks on one handrail, Vincent Alvarez makes everything look good, and Raven gets a wild barefoot boneless.
  • King of the Road 2013 Teaser

    King of the Road 2013 Teaser

    Oh. Shit. Here we go. Chocolate vs. Real vs. Birdhouse vs. Enjoi. Webisodes start Monday, Jan 6. These are gonna be good. 
  • Free DVD With Every Mag

    Free DVD With Every Mag

    The February issue of Thrasher is coming packed with a free 90-minute DVD featuring the gnarliest parts from the raddest skate videos of the year—and you can get this mag + DVD for FREE with any shirt or new subscription! How radballs is that?