• Burnout: ESP is Real

    Burnout: ESP is Real

    Element’s new video ESP VOL 2 premiered last weekend in Hollywood to a packed house of rabid fans. Check the red carpet before you check the flick!
  • Jim Greco’s “Jobs? Never!!” Premiere Photos

    Jim Greco’s “Jobs? Never!!” Premiere Photos

    Wednesday evening, skateboarding’s finest made their way out to the Los Feliz Theater in Los Angeles to get a sneak peak at Jim Greco’s new film, Jobs? Never!!, as well as to celebrate his new pro model shoe by Supra.
  • Burnout: Kody Goes Pro

    Burnout: Kody Goes Pro

    While you were doing homework or watching TV last night, Dakota Servold was turning pro.  
  • King Of The Road 2010: Episode 4

    King Of The Road 2010: Episode 4

    The team manager jumps on the grenade and Gravette meets She-vette when the C1rca team arrives in Nashville.