• Skatepark Round-Up: OJ Wheels Yardsale

    Skatepark Round-Up: OJ Wheels Yardsale

    Thanks again to OJ Wheels for the good times up North with Surrey, Kremer, Marius, Borden, Cao, Dicolla, Horn, Strubing, Nuge, Silent Mike, Frecks and everyone else. Here's the Yardsale.
  • Skatepark Round-Up: OJ Wheels pt 2

    Skatepark Round-Up: OJ Wheels pt 2

    It's hard to top their Hall of Meat clip, but part 2 of the Round-Up features more parks, chicks in panties, guns, and one of the smoothest 5-0 fakies we've seen in a while. 
  • Hall of Meat: OJ Team

    Hall of Meat: OJ Team

    The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat. There's like five or six crazy things about this one clip as all hell breaks loose on a group hill bomb.
  • Firing Line: Tyler Surrey

    Firing Line: Tyler Surrey

    Seen that New Balance vid? How about "Stee"? With those two parts and other clips, Tyler's insane board control is now fully on radar. 
  • Classics: Erik Ellington "This Is Skateboarding"

    Classics: Erik Ellington "This Is Skateboarding"

    Erik Ellington skates to the sounds of Danzig—Figgy introduces a classic from the 2003 Emerica video, This Is Skateboarding.
  • Skatepark Round-Up: OJ Wheels

    Skatepark Round-Up: OJ Wheels

    Multiple parks and a non-stop barrage from an all-terrain squad of shredders. The juice crew squeezes out the stoke. 
  • Firing Line: Jimmy Cao

    Firing Line: Jimmy Cao

    Jimmy has some of the quickest feet in the biz and skating the inside of a ledge always ratchets up the fun.